All Events

April 8
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

November 27

March 16
The early service is a traditional-style worship for those who prefer a subdued, contemplative atmosphere for worshiping God. It’s characterized by historic creeds, such as the Apostle’s and Nicene Creeds, traditional prayers and well-known hymns. Most music is sung by the congregation, which follows the church organist’s lead. Communion is served weekly at the early service. Come with a humble spirit, ready to grow in God’s grace.
March 16
If you have a desire to learn more about Christianity, Scripture or our church, join one of the many Sunday school classes. Some classes go through a specific book of the Bible. Right now, we have classes studying Genesis, John, Romans and Revelation. Other classes focus on navigating life. Currently, there are classes that focus on parenting, managing money and being a Christian in the secular workplace. If you’re new to our church, be sure to register for our New Members Class, which is offered once a quarter and will introduce you to the many ministries in our church.
No matter what your age is, we want to encourage you to check out a Sunday school class. Learning more about the Bible or how to live as a Christian isn’t just for kids–it’s for everyone. That’s why we offer classes for every age and many different interests, and all classes are at the same time. We hope everyone in your family will find a class they like.
March 16
The latter Sunday service is more contemporary than our early service. The sermon is the same at both services, but the atmosphere is more charged at our 10:45 service. The latter service features praise songs instead of hymns, and the church organ is accompanied by a band made up of church members. At this service, communion is served on the first Sunday of each month. Come ready to be transformed during this engaging hour of worship.
March 19
Join us during the week for an informal time of praying, praising, preaching and passing dishes. The Wednesday night service features all of the elements of a typical worship service, but it’s more intimate than either of our Sunday morning services. The smaller gathering gives people time to share personal prayer requests and lift up specific praises. Most people stay after the service to enjoy a meal together and spend more time fellowshipping.
The menu on Wednesday night changes from week to week, but the hospitality team keeps it healthy each week. There’s usually a meat, vegetarian dish, vegetable sides and a starch. Your mother would approve. A donation of $5 per person or $12 per family is suggested to help cover the cost of the meal.
Childcare is not available during the Wednesday night service. We invite you to bring children to the service, though, as the informal and short service is the perfect environment for children is perfect for children.
March 20
If you’re in middle or high school, come fly with Faith Leading Youth. FLY is a vibrant community of committed youth who want to use their faith to lead those around them. Engage with other believers your age who want to dig deep in Scripture, pray passionately to God and effectively reach others.
FLY meets for an hour every Thursday, during which time we sing, pray and study together, and then enjoy a time of games. Come ready to praise God. Come ready to ask hard questions about Christianity. Come ready to grow and fly.
March 29
The elders of our church, who are the leaders of the church, meet to discuss the church’s business and pray for the church. Anyone who is interested in learning more about our church or has a specific concern about our church is invited to attend the elder meeting.
In order to make sure there is time for your questions or concerns, please let an elder know you want to attend the meeting. They’ll be sure to make time in the meeting agenda for you.
April 8
The church is widely involved in diaconal and charitable efforts throughout our city. Out of respect for the privacy of those that we serve, though, many of these activities are not widely publicized.
If you have a specific question or concern, feel free to ask a deacon or come to one of the church’s deacon meetings. Portions of the meetings are confidential, but there is always a time for people to talk and pray with our deacons.
November 27
While the turkey’s in the oven, join us for a brief time of praise on Thanksgiving Day. The Thanksgiving Celebration will be specifically focused on giving thanks to God for the many ways he has blessed us in the past year. We’ll be singing songs of thanks, lifting up prayers of thanks and hear a short message. During the offering, everyone will be asked to write down something they’re thankful for, and then we’ll present our cards of thanks to God during the service.
December 25
Join us on Christmas Day for a special celebration of our savior’s birth. After waiting for four weeks during Advent, we will celebrate his arrival on Christmas morning. There will be a time of singing, during which you can request your favorite Christmas hymn or praise song, along with testimonies of what God has done in the past year and fellowship.
This will be a fun, relaxed celebration. There’s no need to dress up, and the church will have pastries, bagels, coffee, tea and hot cocoa for those who need breakfast or brunch. Come as you are, as long as you’re ready to praise God and have a good time. Childcare will be available for children under five.
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