We’ve now progressed to a world where you, as church ministries, are offered the power to grow and engage your congregation with the help of your church website. Building it sure took time and effort. But it doesn’t just end there. For your church community to grow and prosper, you need to ensure that your website is up to the mark. The key? Keeping it updated!
While you are occupied in spreading the word of God, a wise decision would be to hire an intern or a volunteer to do the job. As your affordable church website provider, Church Dev has put together some of the best ways that you can prep the man/woman on the job!
The More the Merrier – NOT
The individual in charge of updating your website has evolved into the role of a curator. He is the go-to person with back-stage access to your website. Putting too many people in charge may backfire, causing undue complications and inconsistency in work. Ensure that you have proper channels of communication and delegation, identifying who does what.
Pick Out Your Go-To Person Who Has A Flair For Technology
When short listing individuals, picking one that has some experience or technical know-how of web development is perhaps one of the best decisions you can make. It saves you the time to train them; and they seamlessly insinuate themselves into the role. Working on the Content Management System, updating the events sections, managing your ministries page, and updating sermons, become a piece of cake!
Always Review Before Publication
Here’s the best part about having a customized designed website- you get to edit it on the go! Let’s say for instance, your volunteer has drafted blog or added a section to the new Christmas Event section. Instead of directly updating it on the website, he or she “submits it for review”, where you can then access it, decide and edit it as you will, before publishing it on your website. This maintains content integrity, and as a church, you know how significant that is!
Have A Backup Plan
The key to effective management, of just about anything under the sun, is that one should always have a contingency plan. Relying on your sole volunteer might not fare well for your website. Remember, you want a progressive kind. Make sure you have another person in mind as well.
Getting your volunteer trained is crucial. Make sure you follow these steps!
Church Dev is one of the best church website builders, with over 30 years of combined web design experience. With a wide range of functional, innovative and customized designs, we develop a website that helps churches connect with their congregation, and help their ministries to grow. To get in touch with us, email us at or call us on our Toll Free number 877-702-3656!
I am on the board of evangelism and was interested in talking to someone about your websites.
We’d be happy to talk to you about your church’s website. You can email us at , call us at 877-702-3656 or click the live chat link on the left of our site to chat live.